बाल मनोविज्ञान [Bal ManoVigyan]

सौजन्य, https://www.instagram.com/balsanskar_kendra/    आश्रम के बाल संस्कार केंद्र से instagran पर जुड़े| यहाँ पाए केंद्र से संबंधित जानकारी एवं बच्चों हेतु महत्व पूर्ण बातें| Bal Manovigyan 18 Bal Manovigyan 17 Bal…

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Importance of idol worship

When he saw Vivekananda, he felt after all he is just a young ascetic! How much experience will he have although he gives discourse in English? Let me pull his leg. With this thought the king said ‘Swamiji, I believe that idol worship is really a sign of being backward. ....

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